
Every single coder suffers from “cant-stop-wont-stop”, “how did is it 8 pm already?” coding sprees but breaks are needed, and here’s a fun game to help us with it. Given that we are now spending more and more time in front of the screen it is important that we take care of ourselves with 5-minute breaks. PoseMan Gamify this

What it does

Through a game of combined hangman meets pose, this game helps the play move around for a few minutes. The game takes in webcam feed passes it to an ML model which transposes an animated SVG onto the screen. The user needs to use his body to Guess letters for an object shown on the screen before time runs out.

How we built it

Challenges we ran into

Accomplishments that we’re proud of

What we learned

What’s next for PoseMan

Multiplayer abilities so you can compete against your fellow coders, you code together, you pose together.